How do you describe a church? Well, we have a Sanctuary, Sunday School classrooms, a Fellowship Hall, and even a bell tower. A church is not a building. A church is a group of people coming together to worship our Lord & Savior, to be the family of God, and the body of Christ. These ideals describe more closely what a church is, and more to the point, what the LeRoy United Methodist Church is all about.
Worship here is done in a blended style using both contemporary worship music and traditional hymns in a way that works for everyone. We also come together during our service to declare our being united under God, as we sing the song, “The Family of God.” Our acts of service and outreach done for our community come out of understanding of what it means to be a part of the body of Christ, and that we are the hands and feet of Jesus to LeRoy and beyond.
If there was one way to describe this community of believers it would be that we are a family church. Not that we are all related to one another, but that we come together to form a wonderful unified group of committed Christians. Even though we are a “family” it’s not to the exclusion of visitors and newcomers, we just seek to make all comfortable to worship God together. If we were down south we’d be saying “you’ll come on in”, but instead we wish to invite you stop in and worship with us some Sunday, we would love to have you.
We are also bigger than you know. Because we are joined together with the UM churches of Ashton & Luther in forming the Pine River Parish. We do many activities on a parish wide level, and of course here at the LeRoy United Methodist Church.
God’s peace to you and yours!