At LeRoy UMC, we believe that we are an integral part of the community in which we live, both locally and globally. We partner with a number of ministries to maximize our ability to reach our community.
- Community Good Friday Service – As Easter approaches each spring, we take time with a number of area churches to remember and celebrate Good Friday. Each year, rotating churches, the community comes together for this special worship service.
- LeRoy Razzasque Days – On the second weekend in July, we partner with the Razzasque Days Committee for the Chicken BBQ on Saturday of the festival. Our church provides the desserts – a homemade piece of pie and a smile.
- Community Ash Wednesday Service – Our community gathers together to remember Ash Wednesday each year with other churches in the area. It is a special service open to everyone in the area to participate.
- Northwest Food Pantry – Housed at the Tustin Augustana Lutheran Church, our local food pantry relies heavily on the donations of churches and individuals to stock it’s shelves and reach families in need.
Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox Ministry – Operation Christmas Child reaches millions of children worldwide with the gift of love and most importantly the story of Jesus Christ. We are so proud to partner with them and other community groups to create and pack shoe boxes each November.